What is Merit?
Merit means ‘goodness’ or ‘happiness’ It is something which, if it arises in the mind, will cause the mind to become pure and free of cloudiness
The Noble Truth of Suffering Every living being is a victim of suffering
The Lord Buddha explained the nature of suffering in detail. The Pali word for ‘suffering’ is ‘dukkha’
The 3rd Dhammadayada Training for Ladies at Dhammakaya Boras Temple in Sweden
Dhammakaya Boras Temple in Sweden held the 3rd Dhammadayada Training for Ladies. Gender is not the obstacle of doing good deeds.
Everyone’s goal of life can be classified into 3 levels : 2. Middle goal of life
The aim is at not only trying to have sufficient in this entire life, but also to set future life goals, by using every possible opportunity to act in meritorious ways
The Four Noble Truths : 2. Explanation of the Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering
explanation of the Origin of Suffering includes all four of the Origin of Suffering’s implications in the light of the Four Noble Truths:
Persons Worthy of Respect
Persons worthy of respect are those who perform good deeds as if their lives depend on it and their goodness should be remembered by us
Reforming society : Conclusions
In conclusion it can be said that the real reform that is needed to transform society for the better is reform of our own and others’ human nature
Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect
We are taught to respect others so that they treat us with respect in return. Used in this way, the word ‘respect’ is not different from the word ‘tolerance’ or ‘avoiding prejudice’
Social Disaster : 6. The Boss-Employee Relationship
If an employer and an employee are undisciplined and do not cherish harmony in the workplace according to the teachings of the Six Directions
Why being a Fool is really Dangerous:
There are many serious consequences of foolish behaviour: